I was born in 1974 which makes me a child of the eighties. Being from the south (Louisiana) there were traditions passed down that entailed milestones that transformed a boy into a man. Some of those would be frog giggin on the bayou during the summer or runnin yo-yos, catchin white perch in the winter. Southern boys always mark their face with the blood of the first deer they shoot. Southern boys love their mommas and protect their sisters (even if they are older). Southern boys hold the door for girls and ladies and never set their cowboy hat down on the brim.
Another characteristic of Southern boys is that they never cry or show weakness. For me i took great pride in that and it made me a great soldier. When life began to hit me hard i would take it on the chin, dust myself off and get back up. These days i have seen have that has hindered me. The truth of matter is that even men are designed to be vulnerable. As I began to strip down the hardened walls i once hid behind, i saw a mountain of a man cry one day. As i watched him from across they room i waited for signs of weakness but they never came. It was as if he doubled in size and strength as i watched him pour his heart out watching his daughter play for the first time in a long time. That man taught me that tears are stronger than the hardest steel and are evidence that even mountains have a soul. These days i am more complete as a man when i expose my heart. Today I choose to show that even a Southern boy whose was calloused can transform into a Southern man that weeps. Thank you Alan.
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