The world is strong. The more i find myself in the system the more i feel the system taking hold. Worry, doubt, anger, fear, insecurity are all products of living day to day. Last night i watched "The Passion" again. It took on a new meaning than the first time. I saw the world of hierarchy totally miss who was standing in front of them. Because they were so consumed with right or wrong that presents itself in the system as choices, they missed the purity of the Son of God right in front of them. Not only that but they destroyed the Messiah thus fulfilling the prophets of old.
I sincerely pray that i do not become a product of this world. As i have tried for years to be a part of the system, i have discovered that the system is a machine that engulfs everything, strips it of it's purpose and spits it out in its wake. We have been convinced that we need to get on and play the game better than anyone so we can get the most out of it. Truth is that the rewards that the system produces do not quench and do not last, we are left with emptiness. The joy that exists from "being" satisfies. When I relax and stop trying to squeeze what i can out for my benefit, that's when i can see what actions i have been taking and what i have been squeezing. Today i choose to separate myself from the system and stop viewing it as a host to feed my hunger for material things and status. Today i want to look as the system spins and understand that the choice is mine to get on or not. I have not done a good job of that lately. For the first time because of my lack luster performance, i do not feel a sense of failure but of victory. You see the triumph is acknowledging that the system has its pull. Because i feel the pull and know where it comes from, that means i can resist. The power is in the knowing.
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