Monday, October 17, 2011

Everybody Hurts?

Is it true that everybody hurts? Is it true that we are all broken? Most of my life I learned through religion that we were all broken and always would be while we were here on this earth. I was taught that this life was to be endured and I was dirty and tainted just for being born. Pretty crappy outlook, not much good news at all. What I have found is that life hurts. People wrong people. Parents hit children, friends take advantage of their friends, men and women cheat on each other, governments lie to the masses, animals are exploited, racism still exists, equality is a myth, loved ones die, on and on and on. One could see all of these examples and judge that this world is a waste or wonder "What's the use anyway".
The realization of a need for grace is where healing begins.

It is true that everybody hurts and that we are all in need of love. Love is the great healer. What parents heart is not warmed with the love of a child? What friend isn't comforted when their hugged in a time of need by a friend? Everyone is in need of love. Whether they are able to receive it is another story. There is a road that leads to healing and compassion and acceptance. Many are walking around in circles, head looking down in desperation trying to find a way out of the pain. They don't even realize they are on the road already. Its free for all of us, if we will choose to look up. 4's