Choice. Seems to be my favorite word these days. I once lived in a lie that told me there were no choices. Endurance was the only option. No money, deal with it. Bad relationship, deal with it. Life issues, deal with it. Over time it creates a lot of pressure on a soul.
In the days of my childhood it was taught that anything to do with self was bad and that we were to anxiously await the shedding of this body and this dismal world for a better one in heaven.
Today I choose self. What that means is that in everything I have a choice. In that choice I also have an opportunity to choose what suites me, without choosing the guilt of being selfish. Now, please don't get me wrong. There is a fine line between considering one's self and self indulgence. I have had the priviledge to experience both. However, in times past myself wasn't even an option. My desire was, but not self. First I had to identify self and that was going back to the beginning where somewhere along the way self got lost, or stolen in some cases. Once I found self, I brought self with me to the here and now. Now I have the option to choose self in all situations.
There have been a lot of thieves along our paths that have robbed us from ourselves. Sometimes that culprit was even us. The truth of the matter is that none of them had the strength to hold on to their spoils. They only led us to believe they did. What they took was not theirs and all we have to do is boldly stand and take it back. The lies will get stronger the more upright we stand but as long as we keep our eyes focused on the truth, the lie will lose it's influence. From that moment on we have the choice to choose self, if we choose.